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Kenyan International Community (KIC) was founded in May 2002 in Washington DC, and is organized exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes.
KIC has been proactive in sponsoring seminars in the Kenyan Community including legal counseling and education. KIC has also organized social events in the community including picnics, parties and cultural awareness promotions by offering Swahili classes to benefit especially young Kenyan Americans.
Membership to KIC is open to all Kenyans (in Kenya and in foreign countries), or non-Kenyans who subscribe to the aspirations and goals of KIC.
First, to create a network of all Kenyans in foreign countries towards coming together in joining resources to promote the ideals of their motherland
Second, to strengthen desires of Kenyans in foreign countries in seeking ways of improving their welfare and searching for better opportunities in education, research, communication, health, trade, insurance, thus helping enhance their social status in the process